۱۳۹۶ مرداد ۹, دوشنبه

An analysis of the theft of Iran's internet

by JIM STONE, freelance journalist

  I laid awake last night going through all permutations of what this means. This is a very important report.

1. Iran is being set up for a silent death

No doubt about it, when the war with a completely innocent Iran starts, the ziopress wants no voice of the people getting out. I need to stress what a fraud this is and how both illegal and unlawful this ruling was. It is definitely the type of thing that happens before a nation gets attacked, this was a definite setup for war.

2. This judgement was not against Iran but serves the same purpose regardless

Iran was never told this court case was proceeding. This was a secret proceeding and even afterwards Iran was never notified that this happened. This ruling was only against ICANN, the DNS server management team, which assigns routing for domain names. What the goal of this really was is to have Iran suddenly vanish from the web without explanation.

3. The purpose for this can be circumvented if people take action now

I believe Israel wanted Iran to suddenly vanish from the web so they could be destroyed in secret. But this can be stopped with ease. This ruling, as bad as it is will NOT take Iran off the web. This will only make Iran difficult to find. You see - This is a domain level attack only, which will affect only the DNS servers which are not needed for a web site to be available. The DNS servers make surfing the web easy because they take the IP address of a web site and match it to a name, such as PressTV.ir. But if the IP address is provided, direct access will still be possible.

The IP address for PressTV.ir is and this will always work even if PressTV is kicked off the web by ICANN. So people need to get busy to stop world war 3 NOW. Get this IP address posted around the web AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

I will be looking up other important Iranian IP addresses, including Universities, the Bushehr nuclear facility and other government web sites. The universities will have blogs and forums that the students can talk to the world with. THAT is the type of addresses we need to stop Israel from proceeding with whatever atrocities they have planned.

4. This ruling was flatly illegal, and ICANN actually does not need to comply

Icann was given a spectacularly short 10 days to blow Iran off the web. That is against the law. This was done based on the argument that Iran has no rights. This was obviously a seriously corrupt judge who demonstrated clearly why dual citizens should not be allowed to work in any government office. And if ICANN actually does this, it means that there are people working at ICANN who operate counter to the good of the nation and will break the law.

5. MYTH: This was done "on behalf of all the terror victims of Iran"

This was in fact done by a Jewish "lawyer" and was NOT done for any "victims of terror" because with regard to Iran, there are only CIA and Mossad setups and any truthful proceeding would have revealed that. Anyone who is informed enough to hit a site like this one should know that. Iran actually could pay their way out of this with a billion dollar settlement to mis free ride's LAW FIRM, (You heard that right, THE PAYMENT IS OWED TO A LAW FIRM, WHICH WILL THEN MAGICALLY LOCATE ALL THESE FICTITIOUS VICTIMS, (NO DOUBT ENTIRELY JEWISH VICTIMS) and "PAY OUT". Yeah and I have some tortillas I dragged out of the garbage to sell you also. If you buy the line that this was really for any sort of "terror victims" I won't cry if you get salmonella and die. That would be natural selection at work.
REALITY: This is the same thing as the holohoax, where Germany keeps repeatedly getting bilked for billions they never owed, Iran I guess is the next cash cow. That will work, when the recipient is a lone woman named Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, a massive criminal of the "law" who will beyond all doubt have a private jet as "terror reparations" after stealing that $500 million dollar skyscraper in New York from the Iranian people. All this payout will do is fuel more aggression from this kike, someone needs to do the world a favor and take her out . . . to lunch? Perhaps with a little Polonium. The world has no place for lone thieves of this magnitude, trust me, there will be NOT ONE GOY RECIPIENT of ANY reparations here. Perhaps she will make a BIG FAT DONATION to the ISRAELI MOSSAD, so they can go out and frame Iran a few more times to give her another lawsuit. Sort of a revolving door thing with a few of the scraps.

Presstv.ir - (additionally this site works with .com which might not be affected.) If Presstv.ir crashes, try .com instead and it might work.    
FARS News: FARS is dot com only. It might not go down. But the problem with dot coms is that they are based in America which means the sites could be hijacked by the FED and used to post garbage while Iran gets destroyed. SO,
Here are some University web sites: This first one is hosted directly at the university, so the server is not subjected to hacks on American soil. If this works, Iran is probably alive: University of Tehran, (which runs 153 doctorate level programs, it is a big one and is considered number one in the Middle East) IP:
Sharif university is world class, and is also number one in that sector of the globe for what it covers. Its ip is:
AUT is the most prestigious university in that sector of the globe, and the number one technology institute in Iran. Its IP is:

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